My Progress

I started this blog in March 2010 when I found out I was approved to move forward with Lap-Band surgery. I've always fancied myself a "writer" though I hate the pretension that usually comes along with that label. I've also never managed to keep a steady journal, blog, or website going for more than a few months (instead I've started many over the years and they've fizzled out.) But here you go, my latest attempt, and because it's an issue that's so important, I've really tried to keep up with it on a regular basis.

If you're interested in reading the whole story from the beginning, you should scroll down and start with the earliest posts, moving forward. Yes, I know you know how a blog works but my grandmother might visit this website too, you know!

I chose "Results Not Typical" because that's always the disclaimer you see on commercials for weight loss products and services. Well, I've never been typical in any sense of the word, so I'm hoping this time around is no different. I told myself when I started that I was going to excel at this (as I do with most things I put my mind to) and I'm happy to report that I already have. 15 months after my surgery, I am down 95 lbs. I truly cannot believe it, nor can I believe (or could I have imagined) the differences in my life.

I welcome comments by email or left here and hope to offer support to others.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The rollercoaster continues

This past weekend, I had an amazing time. Visited a friend that I haven't seen in forever and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The downside of this is that I did not follow the best eating practices I've been trying to develop lately but the good news is that I didn't "go crazy" the way I see it. Even though eating a normal amount (like 8 pieces of sushi) felt like I'd eaten my weight in fat, I spent Saturday and Sunday indulging and jumped right back onto my plan Monday morning. I made the mistake of hopping on the scale Sunday night and I was (of course) up a few lbs from the last time I'd weighed. I also am expecting my period which hasn't come yet and I know I'm holding on to water or something cause of that. I just wish it were really as predictable and dependable as "calories in - calories out" but I have to accept that it just isn't. That may be a good start but it's definitely not everything.

Anyway, I have decided to get rid of the scale. I joined a gym and they have one there, which means I'll be limited to obsessing a few times a week instead of every morning. Still not sure what to do with the old scale. Actually, it's a new scale that I bought a couple of months ago but it doesn't really seem accurate and it has not once delivered on the promise of bone density, hydration, and body fat % like is claims. I keep getting an error. Apparently I don't have any water or bone density... I guess?

So in terms of the roller coaster, it's interesting how my feelings about myself and how I'm doing can change so much from day to day. I do know that if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be (eating right, drinking water, exercising, taking my vitamins) I feel much better on a given day than if I'm not. And since I've been doing all the right stuff most of the time, I've been feeling pretty good. But it does suck when I have a day I just can't bring myself to do everything and then I feel really crappy. But I heard something important the other day. It's like the stock market. When it goes up, it's not all at once in a straight goes up and down, up and down, but more up than down. That'll be me...eventually I'll get where I want to go. Have to keep telling myself that and some days I believe it.

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