My Progress

I started this blog in March 2010 when I found out I was approved to move forward with Lap-Band surgery. I've always fancied myself a "writer" though I hate the pretension that usually comes along with that label. I've also never managed to keep a steady journal, blog, or website going for more than a few months (instead I've started many over the years and they've fizzled out.) But here you go, my latest attempt, and because it's an issue that's so important, I've really tried to keep up with it on a regular basis.

If you're interested in reading the whole story from the beginning, you should scroll down and start with the earliest posts, moving forward. Yes, I know you know how a blog works but my grandmother might visit this website too, you know!

I chose "Results Not Typical" because that's always the disclaimer you see on commercials for weight loss products and services. Well, I've never been typical in any sense of the word, so I'm hoping this time around is no different. I told myself when I started that I was going to excel at this (as I do with most things I put my mind to) and I'm happy to report that I already have. 15 months after my surgery, I am down 95 lbs. I truly cannot believe it, nor can I believe (or could I have imagined) the differences in my life.

I welcome comments by email or left here and hope to offer support to others.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Goodbye Band, Hello Sleeve!

9 days ago, I woke up from surgery and thought I was dreaming. My surgeon was able to remove my band and revise me to a sleeve in one procedure (which was not guaranteed). I was ecstatic and I still am. Actually I can still hardly believe it happened.

I am going to start writing here regularly again because it helped me so much the first time around. It feels like I'm starting over. I know I'm not really. I'm armed with 5 years of experience with my band including successful weight loss, plastic surgery, band complications, and regain. I have learned from my mistakes and I've also learned that there is no easy, quick fix.

Also, I'm not literally starting over. I'm now in the 220s, which is 50lbs less than I started with when I got banded. I am aiming higher (well, lower) this time though. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to get down to 160. 160 was always my "ultimate" goal. 180 was great and I thought I was going to be there forever but 160 was always the number that eluded me. At my height, 160 is at the high end of normal or the low end of overweight but with my large frame and good muscle mass, I actually would be pretty thin at 160.

So, not only am I writing again for my own sanity and benefit, but I hope that once again my story can help and inspire others.

I will write more about my surgery, going to Mexico, recovery, etc. this is just a quick intro while I'm waiting on my plane to board.

So, welcome back ME! I'm back on the loser's bench and back on track. I want to lose an average of 2lbs per week (8lbs per month) which makes 8 months a realistic goal for losing my last 65 lbs. I should be there by the end of 2015. Can't wait!

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