But to cut to the chase, here is the abbreviated version:
- In 2010, after 25 years of living in (and fighting) my "morbidly obese" body, failing at every diet I ever tried, I underwent LAP-band surgery.
- It was an immediate success. It was the answer to my prayers. Finally, "eating right and exercising" worked because I wasn't constantly hungry and miserable.
- I lost 95 lbs in my first year and maintained that loss for another year.
- This weight loss caused some ridiculous health gains: reversed Polycystic Overian Syndrome, reversed hypertension, reversed insulin resistance, eliminated arthritis, diminished depression and anxiety to nearly-non-existent levels. .
- I paid for my own skin removal surgery (no insurance since it was "cosmetic" but very worth it...so that I could finally feel comfortable in my body.
- Then...all hell broke loose.
- I was laid off from my job (and lost my excellent health insurance)
- I became freelance/self employed, opened my own business, and had to move all over the country to work.
- I lost my partner of 5 years.
- I was injured in a riding accident that left me unable to exercise for months. I could actually barely walk for 2 weeks.
- My stepdad who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer just before I got my band started declining and in Fall 2013, he passed away.
And AT THE SAME TIME, the one tool that had ever allowed me to successfully manage my weight failed. In the spring/summer of 2012, a routine upper GI study showed that my esophagus was not pushing food beyond the band properly. This was causing food to sit in my "upper stomach" and stretch my esophagus. Even though I only had the band filled to 50% of its capacity (not considered over-filled or "tight" at all) my body was not cooperating. My esophagus had become dilated and I was frequently vomiting from just a couple of bites of solid food. Before I knew there was an issue, I blamed myself for the frequent sickness but the scan revealed that the band was doing my body harm even while it was technically doing its job of helping me maintain my weight loss.
My surgeon emptied all fluid from my band, rendering it basically useless, but it was still sitting inside of me. Since I was no longer on the good insurance that got me the band to begin with, I now had to pay several hundred dollars each time I visited my surgeon for a check up or adjustment. I was earning only a fraction of what I used to be, so I decided to just leave the band un-filled rather than risk further harm to my stomach since I couldn't afford the monthly monitoring and adjustments.
Unfortunately, that meant that despite my best efforts, I gained back half of the weight I had lost.
And the story gets even worse... I moved across the country to pursue a new relationship and switch careers and thought since I was joining a new employer health plan that I would be safely covered once again.
But no, the plan specifically excludes ANY treatment relating to weight loss. Doesn't matter that it's a "pre-existing condition" and all I'm asking for is help to maintain my current state of health. Nope, no coverage.
But, if I woke up one day and couldn't swallow my own saliva because the band slipped and had to go to the ER and get it removed immediately, they'd surely cover that, right?
Nope. Not one little bit. Doesn't matter if it's an emergency. Doesn't matter if my stomach has eroded into the band or the band has eroded into my liver or if I start bleeding internally or have to be hospitalized for dehydration due to nonstop vomiting. IF it has any relation to my band, my insurance doesn't cover it.
I spent the past year fighting, researching, begging, appealing, writing letters,
At least in case of emergency, right? No, nothing.
So now, I have this ticking time bomb inside of me that's already proven to be doing damage to my body. I have no ability (financially) to monitor it properly. And worst of all, I have the constant fear of the what-if, someday the worst happens and I have to seek emergency treatment and I have no insurance coverage.
I already know (because it has happened) that in my state of residence, I am not eligible for financial assistance with this because it's considered "elective."
I also know that again because of the state I live in, I can't get coverage on the exchange/marketplace that's any better than what my employer offers. The state I live in does not mandate coverage for obesity (some states do) so no individual plans cover it, period.
Given all this, my only real option is to get my band removed electively and pay for it myself. I don't want to just remove it though, I want to revise to a gastric sleeve, which will get me back to the way life was when I had a functioning band and could maintain a healthy weight.
Please understand I am not doing this out of vanity or convenience. It is not because I am lazy or don't want to exercise or eat healthy. I do all of that and it makes not a single lick of difference. In fact, the more I exercise, the hungrier I am and the more weight I gain.
I am doing this so that I don't end up back where I was 5 years ago before my band. I don't want to get all the health problems back that I got rid of.
I am going to Mexico for my surgery because the cost is about 30% of what it is in the US. However, the cost is still more than 20% of my annual salary and I have to pay for travel and take unpaid time off work.
It's really difficult for me to ask for help but I am doing it because I don't have a choice. I hope that if this speaks to you, you will consider donating even a dollar to my cause. I will be absolutely transparent about what I receive and how it's used. And I vow to pay it forward in the future, in any way I possibly can.
Thank you for reading.
Total cost of surgery + travel + unpaid time off work = about $15,000.
Fundraising Goal: $3,000
Funds donated by amazing people like you since I posted this: $740.00

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