So it finally started. I find myself back on the first "diet" I ever remember joining (I was 8 years old last time I did it with my mom.) I am hoping that by doing it again I can really stay committed to losing my last 30 lbs. No doubt I've come so far on my own with this band and I'm sure I could continue doing it but I don't want to take any chances. Plus, I've constantly been struggling throughout my time with the band between what is the right way to eat... low carb seems to make me drop weight the quickest and most reliably but it doesn't work in the longrun only because I really enjoy whole grains and should be able to have those "good carb" things once in a while without it throwing off my entire weight loss efforts. I also know I'm sugar sensitive so it's ok to avoid sugary and processed stuff most of the time but WW allows for and encourages treating yourself to stay motivated. So it seems too good to be true, right? I'm allotted 29 points according to my group leader who didn't input the calculations (just eyeballed me) but actually 31 according to the calculator. I'm probably on the cusp and will lose the 2 extra ones by next week but I may try to aim for 29 anyway. I've found 31 was not easy to eat all of today except that I'm ending my night with a 30-gram-protein shake both to finish off the unused points and as a treat cause it's my favorite new recipe (8oz 1% milk, 8 oz decaf hazelnut coffee, 1 scoop chocolate whey powder, ice) That makes a 20oz chocolate frappuccino and id 7 points in case you were wondering. Normally this is my breakfast (don't report me to the band police! I can't do enough solid food before noon to get a good protein start to my day.)
So here you go, my official review of WW and the Points Plus program (blech at the marketing scheme) as well as my WW@work program.
The good:
Convenient. It's right in my office building, once a week, for 45 minutes. You can't get any better than that and if it weren't for that, I wouldn't have joined. I live 5 minutes from a local WW chapter which is nice in case I ever miss a work meeting and need to get my meeting in but really, I know that if I joined an outside of work location I'd never go.
The program. It's definitely better than it used to be. Fruits and vegetables are unlimited and free so (I don't know about you) but it makes me want to try eating an apple or banana first and if I'm still hungry, go for a small amount of peanut butter or chocolate or something I really love rather than starting with the richer foods. It's great that WW finally got with the program and decided that a 100 calorie apple is in fact NOT the same to your body as a 100 calorie oreo pack! For crying out loud, it took them long enough! I'm super happy with the way foods are calculating out in the new points plus system and luckily I'm finding that most of what I already eat is well within my ability to keep eating. If anything, I am going to eat more fruits and vegetables and not much else differently because I've avoided fruits due to calories. Can't wait for spring and summer and all the fresh stuff!
The bad:
Their scale! OMG if I didn't flip a shit this morning at the weigh in. Listen to this. On my doctor's scale last week I was 184.5 which is the same as I was at home on my scale with clothes. I've since dropped to 180.6 unclothed and am jumping for joy at being out of the 180s ALMOST for good. Then I step onto their scale today, expecting it to be like 183-4 (no shoes) and it's 187! I know it's just a number but it bumps me back to a bad mental place cause I was stuck at 187 for several months. When I got home, I'm not going to lie, the first thing I did was get naked and jump on my scale. 181.6, thank goodness! The difference is due to whatever I've eaten or drank today, who cares, but nowhere close to 187. Now that I am reassured I didn't magically gain several pounds back I'm ok. I've been lucky enough up to this point that Dr. A's scale aligns so closely with my own that I know what it's going to say by stepping on my with clothes before I leave, so no surprises. I'm thinking of putting my home scale away for the next 12 weeks though since the only one that's going to matter is the WW one. In fact, I just told Steve to remove the scale from the bathroom. I am going to try following WW and using their scale and seeing what happens without obsessing over it daily. Keyword here: try!
The merch. I'm talking MAJOR merch. WW is a business, let us not forget. They have everything for sale and don't think that anything you buy now is going to last long cause they'll be out with a new plan soon enough or tweaking this one or whatever and you'll have to buy more. I bought the $5.95 points calculator and also have the droid app but I'd have to pay 12.95 a month to keep my "etools" subscription going beyond the 14 week period (unless I rejoin I guess.) So investing in the little pocket calculator will let me keep going as long as I want to follow points even if I'm not enrolled. So what are these magical points? Interestingly they no longer measure calories when calculating them. You account for protein, fat, carbs, fiber. Stuff that's high in protein and fiber and low in fat/carbs gets low points. Stuff high in fat and carbs with little protein/fiber gets high points. And fruits and vegetables are free as long as they aren't starchy or fatty ones. Too bad I can't eat unlimited avocados, my favorite! But overall it definitely is pointing you in the direction of eating healthier and not just eating less. It's kind of the same "diet" so many other people and groups have been preaching. Load up on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and use fats and processed foods sparingly. Not that much too it.
Well, we will see. I am sooo not changing my tickers back up to 187 though. I will change them all to 181.6 and leave them there till I go back to Dr. A on 2/25 and I'll update with his scale's number which corresponds close enough to mine. This will be exciting. Can I do it? And by do it, I don't mean lose 30 more lbs, I mean keep myself from getting on the scale 4 times a day! ;)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
It's January 24th...
And I am on pureed food, not hungry much at all, and was 182.8 this morning. Thank goodness I may have finally crawled out of the 184 sand-trap I was in for a while.
Here's the report from my visit to Dr. A last Friday:
I arrived at 8:30, exactly on time but nearly having run out of gas in my prius. I was pushing it and the "miles till fuel" went from 10 directly to 0 so I seriously thought I was going to have to push my car the last half mile to the office. Luckily this did not happen. I hadn't intend to cut it so close but left home with 45 miles till fuel and it's not that far to his office so I figured I could make it and get gas after. I was holding my breath the entire way though!
I got weighed and registered 184.4 with clothes on, down from 197 at my last visit (3 months prior.) I'm averaging just 1 lb per week for that span of time but Dr. A was ecstatic. My little info sheet says I have no lost 75% of my excess weight. Dr. A says that the average Lap-Band patient 1 year post op has lost 30% of their excess weight. I cannot believe this, it sounds like horrible results! Who would get a surgery that promises something so underwhelming? I'm glad I did but I'm also glad I am so determined and fight hard to not be average. I feel sorry for people who have not had the same results as me because I know how angry I would be if I had only lost 30 lbs since surgery (not yet a year out, but still.)
So anyway, he indicated that I was doing so well that I probably didn't need an adjustment and I told him how hungry I'd been lately (especially after 3pm) and how I'd been tracking my calories and it took 1600-1800 to satisfy me. He said that I had a significant amount of fluid in my band but agreed to do a fill anyway. I asked for a small amount (.25 or smaller.) Then, as he was pulling out the fluid I asked him how much I had and he was surprised to find it was less than he expected. I knew that a miscalculation had happened somewhere along the line. I'm pretty sure I should have only had 4.75 - he had thought I should have 5.5. Turns out I was right (he had forgotten to subtract a bit he took out once in my first fill.) So I guess he felt better about adjusting since I didn't have as much as he thought I did. He gave me .5 even though I really had only wanted .25 but he's the expert, right?
So, I spent the whole weekend on liquids and started having soft foods a bit yesterday, no trouble so far. Just not hungry. Though I feel kind of weak and like I need food, I'm not physically hungry and not complaining. I've been slowly making it through my 20oz of protein shake for the last few hours. Not sure if I'll be able to get in all my water. I normally take a while for the swelling from the fill to go down and plus, now I've got .5CCs more than I used to and I already was generally tight till about 3pm. That's where the trouble started. At 3pm it was like a switch would get flipped and I would be insatiable. I tracked my calories and nutrients really well for the week before my appointment and was finding I had to eat up to 1800 calories of protein, fat, and complex carbs to be satisfied. I think I'm safely back in the close-to-1000 range since my fill. I do love that feeling of just not being hungry and welcome it back again.
In other news, my first Weight Watchers at Work meeting was today. But it wasn't a real meeting, disappointingly. It was just an intro session to get signed up. We'll start next Monday for real with a weigh in. I will probably be at 180 by then, I can only hope. It would be amazing to lose 2lbs a week and be at my goal "ideal weight" of 155 by the time the 12 week session is up. It's almost too good to be true to think I could be so close and my goal so attainable, but really, if I stick with the program and utilize the support and of course working with my band and keeping up the exercise, there's no reason why I can't do it.
Ugh, the exercise has been an issue. It's been so cold out, I've been staying up way too late at night, and I've been waking up more tired than normal and with some muscle pain. Especially yesterday and today, having quite a back ache that I've never felt before. As long as I'm not eating much, I don't feel the need to exercise more than my normal walking, zumba, and barn stuff affords me. If I'm at 1000 calories a day or close to it, I don't need to go crazy (nor do I have the energy to, I think.) But I do miss the activity and felt so good all those days I got to the gym before work. I want all these aches and pains to go away and for the weather to get better so I can enjoy exercising again.
Anyway, enough bitching. Been 30 minutes since I finished my protein shake, I think I'll try my pureed chicken salad for lunch.
Here's the report from my visit to Dr. A last Friday:
I arrived at 8:30, exactly on time but nearly having run out of gas in my prius. I was pushing it and the "miles till fuel" went from 10 directly to 0 so I seriously thought I was going to have to push my car the last half mile to the office. Luckily this did not happen. I hadn't intend to cut it so close but left home with 45 miles till fuel and it's not that far to his office so I figured I could make it and get gas after. I was holding my breath the entire way though!
I got weighed and registered 184.4 with clothes on, down from 197 at my last visit (3 months prior.) I'm averaging just 1 lb per week for that span of time but Dr. A was ecstatic. My little info sheet says I have no lost 75% of my excess weight. Dr. A says that the average Lap-Band patient 1 year post op has lost 30% of their excess weight. I cannot believe this, it sounds like horrible results! Who would get a surgery that promises something so underwhelming? I'm glad I did but I'm also glad I am so determined and fight hard to not be average. I feel sorry for people who have not had the same results as me because I know how angry I would be if I had only lost 30 lbs since surgery (not yet a year out, but still.)
So anyway, he indicated that I was doing so well that I probably didn't need an adjustment and I told him how hungry I'd been lately (especially after 3pm) and how I'd been tracking my calories and it took 1600-1800 to satisfy me. He said that I had a significant amount of fluid in my band but agreed to do a fill anyway. I asked for a small amount (.25 or smaller.) Then, as he was pulling out the fluid I asked him how much I had and he was surprised to find it was less than he expected. I knew that a miscalculation had happened somewhere along the line. I'm pretty sure I should have only had 4.75 - he had thought I should have 5.5. Turns out I was right (he had forgotten to subtract a bit he took out once in my first fill.) So I guess he felt better about adjusting since I didn't have as much as he thought I did. He gave me .5 even though I really had only wanted .25 but he's the expert, right?
So, I spent the whole weekend on liquids and started having soft foods a bit yesterday, no trouble so far. Just not hungry. Though I feel kind of weak and like I need food, I'm not physically hungry and not complaining. I've been slowly making it through my 20oz of protein shake for the last few hours. Not sure if I'll be able to get in all my water. I normally take a while for the swelling from the fill to go down and plus, now I've got .5CCs more than I used to and I already was generally tight till about 3pm. That's where the trouble started. At 3pm it was like a switch would get flipped and I would be insatiable. I tracked my calories and nutrients really well for the week before my appointment and was finding I had to eat up to 1800 calories of protein, fat, and complex carbs to be satisfied. I think I'm safely back in the close-to-1000 range since my fill. I do love that feeling of just not being hungry and welcome it back again.
In other news, my first Weight Watchers at Work meeting was today. But it wasn't a real meeting, disappointingly. It was just an intro session to get signed up. We'll start next Monday for real with a weigh in. I will probably be at 180 by then, I can only hope. It would be amazing to lose 2lbs a week and be at my goal "ideal weight" of 155 by the time the 12 week session is up. It's almost too good to be true to think I could be so close and my goal so attainable, but really, if I stick with the program and utilize the support and of course working with my band and keeping up the exercise, there's no reason why I can't do it.
Ugh, the exercise has been an issue. It's been so cold out, I've been staying up way too late at night, and I've been waking up more tired than normal and with some muscle pain. Especially yesterday and today, having quite a back ache that I've never felt before. As long as I'm not eating much, I don't feel the need to exercise more than my normal walking, zumba, and barn stuff affords me. If I'm at 1000 calories a day or close to it, I don't need to go crazy (nor do I have the energy to, I think.) But I do miss the activity and felt so good all those days I got to the gym before work. I want all these aches and pains to go away and for the weather to get better so I can enjoy exercising again.
Anyway, enough bitching. Been 30 minutes since I finished my protein shake, I think I'll try my pureed chicken salad for lunch.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Year...same stuff
Time for an update. I am not updating my tickers but I have to fess up, I was back at 187 this morning. These things happen but I'm really tired of bouncing between 184 and 187. If I go a few days eating only protein and green vegetables I drop 3 lbs instantly. If I go a couple of days eating crap like I did since New Year's Eve, I gain it instantly. I have my next appointment with Dr. A on 1/22 which is oddly enough 1 year to the date from my first consult with him! My goal is to be at 183 on HIS scale (which means with clothes) which means about 180 on my own. I know I'm overly obsessed with numbers and goals but it gives me something to aim for and without goals I tend to get way off track.
For the new year I have joined Weight Watchers (sessions don't start till the end of this month), signed up for Zumba classes being offered 2 nights a week at my office (first one is tonight, so we'll see...), have an appointment scheduled with the at-work nutritionist, and will be starting every-other week riding lessons next Tuesday night. If I can just keep all of this up while managing to not get behind in work and my personal life, I know I'll hit my goal.
Well, off to Zumba!
For the new year I have joined Weight Watchers (sessions don't start till the end of this month), signed up for Zumba classes being offered 2 nights a week at my office (first one is tonight, so we'll see...), have an appointment scheduled with the at-work nutritionist, and will be starting every-other week riding lessons next Tuesday night. If I can just keep all of this up while managing to not get behind in work and my personal life, I know I'll hit my goal.
Well, off to Zumba!
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