My Progress

I started this blog in March 2010 when I found out I was approved to move forward with Lap-Band surgery. I've always fancied myself a "writer" though I hate the pretension that usually comes along with that label. I've also never managed to keep a steady journal, blog, or website going for more than a few months (instead I've started many over the years and they've fizzled out.) But here you go, my latest attempt, and because it's an issue that's so important, I've really tried to keep up with it on a regular basis.

If you're interested in reading the whole story from the beginning, you should scroll down and start with the earliest posts, moving forward. Yes, I know you know how a blog works but my grandmother might visit this website too, you know!

I chose "Results Not Typical" because that's always the disclaimer you see on commercials for weight loss products and services. Well, I've never been typical in any sense of the word, so I'm hoping this time around is no different. I told myself when I started that I was going to excel at this (as I do with most things I put my mind to) and I'm happy to report that I already have. 15 months after my surgery, I am down 95 lbs. I truly cannot believe it, nor can I believe (or could I have imagined) the differences in my life.

I welcome comments by email or left here and hope to offer support to others.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Well, that was a surprise!

I'm in the 230s for the first time since 2002!! (I think...)

I'm totally baffled cause this has never happened to me before and I tend to think my scale is broken (whether in my favor or against it) but if this is true then wow...

Here's what happened:

Last Monday morning I weighed 242, Friday when I got to my surgeon's for my first fill (more on this later if I have the energy to write) I weighed 241.9 with clothes, so maybe 240 or 239 in reality (our scales tend to sync up so not accounting for any difference there.) I got my first fill and have been on liquids Friday, Sat, and today (today out of convenience not cause I can't move on to softs yet.)

I spent all day today at the barn from 9:30-5:30, doing chores and riding my horse and the only thing I ate was my 20 oz protein shake for breakfast and some vienna sausages (yeah, I know, gross but they sounded good at the time.) I drank a ton of water, 2.5 liters at least, cause it's hot out and I didn't want to get dehydrated.

So I was going to wait till Monday morning for my official weekly weigh in but curiosity got the better of me and I stepped on: 232.8. WTF?? I even got on and off a couple of times and got the same result so I don't think it's my scale being screwy.

I'm thrilled, I suppose, though I know I will weigh more tomorrow morning when I do my official weekly weight because I'm probably on the empty side when it comes to water/food even though I drank a ton today.

But even if I really am a couple of pounds heavier, that's still like 6lbs in a week. I'm glad, if this is for real, cause I have been hovering at 240-242 for about 3 weeks but didn't expect some huge drop like this.

Maybe this is just the way my body does it. Stay the same for a few weeks then make it all up at once. I'm curious if other people have experienced the same thing. it's kind of frustrating because you do spend a long time at the same place but then wow, what a high to get such a huge drop all at once. I almost prefer it this way!

1 comment:

  1. way to go geeger. whatever you do, and to whatever extent you do it for yourself. love, dad
